Saturday, February 9, 2019

A Drama Free 2020 Primary Tool for Teachers

Imagine a political Facebook page without drama, profanity, flames, or memes.

Imagine a Facebook page where you could send your students to presentations by all the 2020 presidential primary candidates.
Imagine if all of those presentations were indexed by topic and you could go to any part of their presentation with the click of the mouse.

Imagine no more! Just visit and follow the Wired Geezer on , where I'm recording and posting all the candidates that visit New Hampshire.

What's that you say? Your school won't let your students anywhere near Facebook during class? Don't worry.  The Wired Geezer has you covered, because this UNIQUE format is made possible by Raymond Community Television. Just go to RCTV's streaming site, locate the Primary 2020 folder and all of the video will be right there!

Each indexed topic is typically 2-3 minutes long, so you can make the most of precious class time.

Commenting has been disabled on the page to eliminate the decisiveness of typical Facebook political pages. All you will see is the candidates presentations and the Q&A sessions that follow them. However, you can send a private message to the Wired Geezer or comment here.

If you like this idea, please share this post.

Art Wolinsky AKA - The Wired Geezer


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